Friday, May 18, 2007

deep throat problems

have i been dating still? maybe, but you won't see the four letters "date" in this update.

here's how it starts: on sunday i thought it would be clever to jog to work to see if a.) i could do it and b.) how long it would take. having not exercised in close to four months i was surprised that it took me 22 minutes (about the same time it takes to drive if you leave at a bad time). so i was pleased and i walked back. my right knee was a little tender the next day and by the end of the work day i was feeling pretty out of it. seeing as i couldn't focus enough to do any engineering, i started filling out the health insurance forms on my desk. it's different over here so it's been taking me a long time to research and figure everything out.

i had plans with gaylene already and she didn't mind coming over even though i told her we would just watch a movie. she brought "disprin" (disolvable asprin). i tossed and turned all night and slept in till 10am. i drove her home at noon and returned to my bed where i would, for all intents and purposes, stay until friday morning. here's the quick breakdown.

Tuesday: hoped i had the 24 hour flu. my throat hurt like i'd eaten every pine cone in the sierra nevadas.

Wednesday: wanted to die. couldn't eat, couldn't drink. hurt too much. couldn't stomach anything either. in 48 hours i ate 5 oranges and drank some fruit juice (with vitamins).

Thursday: appetite came back. still hurt too bad to really swallow anything. watched the godfather series. but get this: the video store people (not film buffs by ANY stretch of the imagination) mislabeled the godfather discs. here's how they go: part 1, part 2 (disc 1 & disc 2), part 3). so naturally they grabbed "disc 2" and threw in the box labeled (2/4). so it took me awhile to realize that f.f. copolla didn't have a really backwards way of telling his story. by the end of "disc 2/4" i saw a lot of characters die for mistakes that were only alluded to. "disc 3/4" brought all the characters back to life for me and i got to watch them escape assassination attempts with barely a shrug from me. "i already saw him die at the airport". i also saw part 3 and enjoyed the hell out of it.

Friday: went to work at 0900 and spent hours just trying to find stuff. good stuff to do while you're sick i suppose. infinite patience is a trait that comes naturally with infinite slowness. i also turned the heater on full blast in my office and all my body aches were instantly gone! and so were my visitors. bridgit made me close the door so i wouldn't melt the whole place. oh, the heat also made me fall into a very deep sleep twice.

candice kept asking me why i didn't see a doctor and i had to remind her about the one time she tried to help me fill out the health insurance forms and got nowhere. she also called me a drama queen. how come drama king doesn't outrank the drama queen? is it like chess?

bridgit plopped a piece of paper on my desk. it was a doctor appointment across the street from where i live at 3:30pm so i got to kick off work a half hour early. the doctor took all of 0.2 seconds to say "tonsillitis". she diagnosed me before i even said "ahhhh".

the doctor prescribed me penicillin, some antibacterial throat lozenges, and some horse-pill pain-pills. without insurance, the doctors visit and the meds came to 360 rand (~50 dollars). as i'm writing this, the pain is gone and i just wish i'd gone to the doctor on tuesday but my experience with doctor's bills in the states (even with insurance) scared me away. with insurance it cost me over 100 bucks just to get my health screen done to move to south africa. but speaking of pain-killers, about five minutes ago i thought i felt the pain coming back so i popped some more. now my fingers are getting too heavy to type. so i'll end this post at that.

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